By Neil Hague (extracts from Orion’s Door)
Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty.
The obedient must be slaves.
Henry David Thoreau
We think of empires in terms of concentrated power in the hands of the few, or those who gained power, needing to control more land resources and people treating the masses as slaves. From the Roman Empire to the empires of Britain, Spain and France over the centuries, we have seen repeated power structures follow a similar blueprint. This blueprint usually revolves around the infiltration of target countries (people) and then the eventual takeover of that country or people. The patterns of previous empires can be seen in the ‘templates’ of our societies, even to this day. Just as ancient Rome had its emperors, senates, armies and the ‘rule of law’, so did the later British, Spanish and French Republic’s ‘Empires’. We still have those empires in the form of big-tech behind the world’s super powers. The only difference ‘today’ is that our modern empires have been built through the use of technology, which has become god-like in its own right (see everything Elon Musk ‘fronts’ on Earth).

Maybe technology was always ‘god-like’ and artificial intelligence is the ‘alien’ elephant-in-the-living- room? In this two-part blog, I want to explore the technological empire being built around us, through its connection to a blueprint, or neuralnetwork given to us by such cyber gods. As I have shown in my books, Orion is influencing our collective-earth reality through technology and I am sure this technological blueprint has ‘off-world’ origins – possibly Orion, Saturn and Sirius combined.
The Grid
Orion is a star ‘system’ that has connections to humanity’s journey through life on earth, not least through the many rituals, archetypes and blueprints mentioned in previous chapters. The connection between Orion and earth is created through the ‘blueprints’ (as highlighted in my book, Orion’s Door), and an ‘invisible grid’ that encompasses ‘starlight pathways’ (plasma), including sacred geometry/DNA, connecting humanity to Orion and other star systems.
This grid, in turn, links us to knowledge that would be perceived as ‘alien’ intelligence, the same intelligence that, I am sure, built the pyramids on earth along with many other ‘unexplainable’ ancient feats such as the Nazca lines in Peru. In channelled art and imagery, I have visualized what I see as the ‘pyramid builders’ and an ancient global network that facilitated such architectural feats in ancient times. I cannot prove to you with hard evidence that global pyramid building was coordinated by alien intelligence, but I feel the pyramids, temples and stone cirlces are connected to the earth’s energetic (electromagnetic) network of ley lines so to utilise the collective consciousness of the original earth – Gaia (or Sophia). Gaia, or ‘Prime Creation’ is intelligent-plasma and connects our ‘Heart’ (eartH) to infinite conciousness.

Hundreds of temples all over the ancient world from Egypt, Mexico, Greece and Mesopotamia, for example, are ‘templates’ for such circuitry connecting the earth to the stars. Many of the temples, seen from an aerial perspective, resemble detailed circuitry that look remarkably like an arrangement of components on an electrical circuit (see figure). The ancient temples were more than places of worship they were transistors and capacitors of inter-connected components making up a ‘living grid’.

incredible resemblance to a modern day circuit board with processors (Bottom).
Sound, or frequency, is also massively part of the circuitry I am describing here; some of the stone circles, not least Stonehenge in the UK, indicate a resonance with the human brain. Some say Stonehenge was constructed to resonate at the frequency of 10 hertz, which is the Alpha Wave frequency of the human brain.1 The pyramid alignment at Giza, of course, gives us a visual alignment with the belt stars of Orion but I am sure these alignments are, more importantly, based on ‘sound’, ‘frequency’ and ‘vibration’. This vibration is what the Zulu Shaman, Credo Mutwa, called the ‘song of the stars’. The Parthenon in Athens and the many amphitheatres and ancient temples were obviously designed to be conduits of sound, so to harness a particular frequency. If silica and water (the two most abundant elements on earth) are combined they conduct light and sound (frequency) and their combined potential to connect with information increases massively.
Persepolis, the ceremonial capital of the Persian Achaemenid Empire (550–330 BC), sixty kilometres northeast of Shiraz’s city in Fars Province, Iran, looks like a vast circuit from above. This ancient city is a network of pillars that look like giant diodes, the components used to conduct a current in one direction around a circuit (see figure). Computer science tells us that a circuit is a ‘model’ of computation in which input values pro- ceed through a sequence of ‘gates’ (doors), each of which computes a function. In simpler terms, the ancient temple structures act as mathematical (numerological) and frequency templates for information to travel through, just as a computer circuit mechanically supports and electrically connects components, so to be able to access information. The ancient temples are like macro-processors connecting to a larger printed circuit board, one that I am sure forms a connection to a stellar circuit focused especially on the Orion star system.

To get a better understanding of the interdimensional stellar grid I am outlining here, let us turn to one older ‘cult movie’.
Tron – Orion
In 2010, an American science fiction film directed by Joseph Kosinski (from a screenplay written by Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis) hit the cinemas. The movie in question was Tron: Legacy, the sequel to the 80s Disney movie called Tron. Essentially, it is a Gnostic inspired story of a ‘programmer’, or ‘creator’, called Kevin Flynn (played by Jeff Bridges), who is also the brains behind a fictional technology giant called ENCOM. Through his passion for building an artificial reality, Flynn finds himself being transported to the world he was building and consequently disappearing without a trace. The film starts twenty years on from Flynn’s disappearance in the original 80s movie, where his son, Sam (Garrett Hedlund) receives a signal from an old pager coming from his father’s office at the Arcade, where Flynn was last seen. The narrative goes on to reveal that Flynn had been working to build the ‘perfect computer system’, along with an anti-virus software called, Tron. Sam discovers a large computer in a hidden basement of his father’s Arcade, which suddenly digitizes and downloads Sam into the ‘Grid’, a virtual reality created by Flynn existing within ENCOM’s computer mainframe. When inside the virtual world, Sam encounters algorithms and trojans lead by a replica of Flynn, called Clu, who is now the tyrannical leader of the virtual grid-world. Sam escapes Clu, helped by an androgynous character called Quorra (played by Olivia Wilde) and is taken to his father who is in exile (off grid). Flynn (divine human/creator) and Clu (Demiurge/digital virtual being) are symbolic of the Gnostic creator gods (see figure).

Flynn reveals to Sam how he had been working to create a ‘perfect’ computer system and had appointed the avatars Clu, and an exceptionally-skilled warrior, Tron, as the grid’s co-creators. During the construction of this virtual reality, the trio (Flynn, Clu and Tron) discover a species of naturally-occurring ‘isomorphic algorithms’ (ISOs) not conceived by Flynn; bearing the potential to resolve various mysteries in science, religion and medicine. However, Clu considers them an aberration, betrays Flynn and attempts to remove Tron, wiping out all the ISOs. Tron who turns sides to become an agent for Clu, is embodied in the character, Rinzler, Clu’s primary enforcer (see figure).

Tron eventually ‘remembers’ his true role and allegiance to the original creator (Flynn) and helps save Sam and Quorra. Orion’s role in our human ‘virtual reality’ is similar to Tron’s purpose, on one level. Orion, in my view, is the programme (the place of projection) from where the gods of artificial intelligence and technology have infiltrated human life.
The narrative of Tron: Legacy is a modern-day version of the Gnostic myths. Flynn, Sam and the warrior Tron are based on the Father/Son, Adam on High symbolism. The isomorphic algorithms, the ISO called Quorra, are an aspect of Sophia and they represent the ‘creative imagination’, hence why Quorra is important to the Creator, Flynn. As Quorra explains to Sam when his father saves her:
When I opened my eyes, standing above me was the Creator, your father! He saved me. I guess you can say I was a rescue.
According to screenwriter Adam Horowitz, director Kosinski said the film’s universal theme was ‘finding a human connection in a digital world.’ They followed this by approaching the world from a perspective of the character, using Kevin Flynn as an organizing principle, and focusing on the ’emotional relationship’ between ‘father and son’ and their reconciliation, bringing profound truths in their respective individual lives.2 It’s all so symbolic of Christian symbolism, too. Actor Jeff Bridges said that Tron: Legacy “was evocative of a modern myth,” adding that ideas alluding to technological advancement were prevalent throughout the film. Talking to Cyriaque Lamar of io9 blog, around the time of the release of the movie, Bridges also added, “… the film’s approach to technology was reminiscent of a koan, which formed out of Manichaeism and Buddhist philosophy.”3
The Counterfeit Digital God
The leader of the digital virtual world, Clu (who is a replica of the creator Flynn), represents the ‘false demented god’ – the Gnostic Demiurge, who, in the movie, desires to take his ‘technological tyranny’ to the human world. At all costs, Clu must be stopped from infiltrating the human world. Clu could be seen as artificial intelligence ‘personified’ (thanks to the likes of Musk/DARPA/Silicon Valley, etc), and the original grid built by Flynn symbolizes the original ancient grid we see in temples and stones all over the earth. Clu’s new grid, which spreads like a virus, killing off any form of individuality (as seen in the costumes and graphics within the movie), represents the technological grid and artificial (alien) intelligence to which it is connected. As Clu says in his ‘takeover’ speech to the legions of the virtual grid world, before they attempt to remove Flynn and Sam so he can enter the human world (see video below):
Greetings, programs! Together we have achieved a great many things. We have created a vast, complex system. We’ve maintained it; we’ve improved it. We’ve rid it of its imperfection. Not to mention, rid it of the false deity who sought to enslave us! Kevin Flynn! … My fellow programs, let there be no doubt that our world is a cage no more. For at this moment, the key to the next frontier is finally in our possession! …Out there is a new world! Out there is our victory! Out there is our destiny…
The threat to our reality is not necessarily a full-blown ‘physical’ dictatorship; those are obvious and can usually be seen for what they are. The tyranny upon humanity today has its roots in the ‘non-physical’ made physical through linking the human mind to off-world artificial intelligence and the Cyber-Grid Empire built around it. When I see Elon Musk being elevated (not least through the current US Trump administration), I see the rise of a digital-cyber dictatorship not far in our future.
Artificial intelligence and the rise of the robot is probably the most important aspect of the grid I am illustrating here. All ‘virtual’ or ‘artificial’ intelligence has the ability to connect us to the robot phenomena. Alien life is ‘artificial’ if compared to organic life on earth. And the Cyber-grid gradually being constructed around us through electromagnetic technology, for example, is one that will be the ‘spirit’ or lifeblood for all things robotic connected to artificial intelligence (AI). The grid would also be designed to facilitate ‘programmes’ which are not organic human beings, but synthetic, part-human, connected to AI. The danger of AI has not been fully explained across ‘mainstream’ platforms that dominate human perception. If it has, it’s presented as an ‘advantage’ rather than a danger. To do so, it would bring into question many other global issues, not least Cyber warfare and population control methods and the loss of human sovereignty. The Gnostic texts describe the Demiurge and archons as what we see today as artificial intelligence, AI. We have to get over the belief that intelligent life can only take humanoid form or needs to take form at all. We are, after all, in our infinite-state only awareness and ‘physical’ form is an illusory part of the projection/simulation. All forms of Information create our ‘human experience’ (which can be controlled); it is not the true self and so it is with artificial (alien) intelligence. We recognise our own ‘form’, our collective reality (see figure).

Waveform information creates our reality, or our perceived human physical experience.
Still, artificial intelligence, from beyond the narrow parameters of ‘physicality’, must also be able to take form, or at least ‘possess’ other life forms. In truth humanity is a ‘possessed race’, an observation becoming more obvious at this time on earth. You only have to see the impact cellular phones have had on us to realise that humanity is ‘possessed’ by technology – a technology that does and can improve our world, but to what costs?
Quantum scientists and neurologists today view the human brain as a ‘receptor’ of digital information that operates on the same principle as a computer.4 Our brain waves and Extra-Sensory Perception (ESP) has to be part of how we interpret information ‘collectively’ and how other alien life forms can also communicate with us. The Cyber-Grid Empire being built to control human thought and limit consciousness (our awareness), I feel, has been inspired by sentient programs operating from outside of the collective virtual reality (matrix) we call Earth. The current matrix is their creation and is being upgraded to allow for a transhuman world. All of the technology we are utilizing today is merely a bridge for other (alien) intelligence to interface with us, and I would suggest, even ‘possess’ people’s minds. Our mobile phones are ‘digital scrying mirrors’ connecting us with AI – alien intelligence. These devices provide the potential for the ultimate alien invasion, a possible world beyond 2040 run by AI.

The movie industry has saturated our reality with films that have ‘transhumanist’, apocalyptic or dystopian themes for a reason, because those seeking to affect consciousness and control humanity want to re-shape the earth to their ‘alien’ liking! The machine-controlled world portrayed in The Matrix trilogy seems an increasingly accurate reflection of both the virtual illusion (reality) that humanity is ‘plugged into’, but also how machines in these movies had taken the earth after a war where the sky was ‘torched’ during nuclear war. In many ways, we are dealing with an alien hive mind that is rapidly becoming the collective human mind through our connection to technology. Transhumanism is the plan to technologically control the human body (vehicle) through artificial intelligence, so it cannot be influenced in any way by ‘awareness’, or consciousness. We have invited the ‘gods of technology’ into our human, organic world and they are now almost running the show. We have to ask the questions, could a technologically advanced species communicate with humans ‘telepathically’ over vast distances (through time and space)? Could our obsession with technology be inspired by intelligence from elsewhere? Yes, I think we are ‘connecting’ with artificial intelligence via the vast cellular networks, not least mobile phone technology and the coming Fifth and Sixth Generation networks and beyond. But, our minds are also pivotal in that connection.
Our hearts are our connection to Prime Creation, the Earth and infinite love (awareness). Like Sam and Quorra in the move Tron: Legacy, we go home when we choose the ‘wisdom of the heart’ over tyranical [artificial] intelligence.
1) stones-hold-incredible-musical-properties
2) Jensen, Jeff (December 3, 2010). “TRON: Legacy’ and ‘Lost’ writers discuss rebooting the sci-fi landmark and their new TV projects.” Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved January 3, 2013.
3) Lamar, Cyriaque (December 14, 2010). “Jeff Bridges and Olivia Wilde say Tron Legacy is all about religion.” io9. Retrieved April 23, 2012.
4) Alexander, Eben. Proof of Heaven. A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife, 2012 pp 80-81