By Neil Hague (extracts from Orion’s Door)
Transhumanist gurus such as the American inventor and futurist, Ray Kurzweil, have openly promoted the technological nightmare which would lead to the total control of humanity (while saying it is good for us). Elon musk’s neuralink chip is part of the same technological ‘dream’ and many have pointed out that the Starlink system projecting the Cloud and Neuralink ,with its brain implants, both include the word ‘link’. They are links to ‘connect’ the human brain to the AI – Cloud and what I am describing as the Cyber-Grid Empire – the ultimate control system (see also Part 1)
Surveillance, credit scores (see China) is only part of the plan behind the Cyber-Grid Empire. The word ‘Smart’, like ‘Q’ is another way of describing what is essentially the digital platform for artificial intelligence and the vast robot network being built to connect to it. There’s nothing smart about it if you value real freedom. The movie I Robot (1999), starring Will Smith, gave a glimpse of what the future will be like as technology keeps expanding at the hands of private corporations and governments working together. VIKI (the Virtual Interactive Kinetic Intelligence) central command in I Robot takes over so to implement a coup on the existing smart system; replacing the friendlier robots with a prototype designed to ‘police’ the human population. As I said in my books and blogs, remember when Google’s Alexa, or Apple’s Siri started as an innocent Interactive Kinetic Intelligent toy? An excellent example of how ‘real’ some virtual reality simulations can be was with the arrival of the CGI avatar, ‘Lil Miquela’, back in 2018 on social media platforms such as Instagram (see video).
This complete fiction, or artificial personality, created by the DJ Yung Skeeter, attracted millions of followers, including political trolls who thought she was real. AI personalities, such as Alexa, along with social media platforms connected to such technology, are designed to play on our five-sense emotions. We need to get wary and more conscious of such dangers that are already here and invading each home and our lives – our reality.
Cute Smart Things
It should also be no surprise that robots are being readied for integration into all aspects of human life, from Janitors, sex toys, to cute robot pets, the list is endless. For those who have the money, Sony rollied out a $2,900 robotic dog called AIBO, able to turn on microwaves, flick the switch on the vacuum cleaner and bark when the washing machine is done. Sony has been continually adding features to AIBO and the latest features will allow the small robotic dog to communicate with a range of household ‘smart’ appliances to help make life easier for its owners, this is precisely the idea.

The smart grid is primarily being implemented through the ‘Internet of Things’ for surveillance and control on one level, but it is also how anything artificial will connect with humanity, ultimately, the human mind.
Smart Meters are another vital facet of the Cyber-Grid and are described as an ‘intelligent digitised energy-network, delivering electricity in an optimum way from source to consumption’. The language is disturbingly Orwellian, as ‘Smart Meters’ are part of the emerging Cyber-Grid of wireless communication, linked to control centres from every home and business. It is planned that everyone on the planet will eventually be connected to the Smart Grid wireless field; therefore, the ‘push’ for all things smart has been ramped up in recent years. How will everyone be ‘smart connected’, especially people living in rural areas, isolated homes, and the billions scattered across rural lands all over the world? In truth, these people wouldn’t be there anymore! Technology, laws, and pandemics would ensure that people are either killed off or moved to other locations in line with geopolitical agendas such as Agenda 2030 and 2050. Those who were not culled would be packed together in the densely populated ‘megacities’ where everyone will be subject to the wireless mind control and surveillance through the Smart Cyber-Grid structure.
The Hive Mind Swarming
A six-part television series broadcast by National Geographic called Year Million (2017), sold the advantages of artificial intelligence as a ‘cloud- based’, brain-to-brain communication through microchip ‘telepathy’ and the creation of a super-hive mind. Year Million described how the hive mind would allow communication between diversity of thought and opinion, but in truth, it is meant to destroy all diversity and think only as ‘one mind’ with ‘one agenda’. Anything promoting ‘Gloabal Citiizenship’ is essentially the same agenda, too.

The voiceover on the series said the hive mind would mean ‘coming together as one’, yet, this is purely the ‘mimicking’ of all-is-one Infinite Awareness but confined only to the digital level at the expense of the Infinite level of consciousness. Or as the fictional character, Motoko Kusanagi, from the movie Ghost in the Machine (2017) said: What if a cyber brain could generate its own ghost and create a soul all by itself? And if it did, just what would be the importance of being human then?
Exactly the point! The human being is not meant to be any more important than a computer is to the world-wide-web, when it comes to merging with Artificial Intelligence. The collective cyber-soul would become a swarm-like intelligence, in competition with artificial intelligence. But why are we opening the way for another intelligence we have to compete with? It is clearly calculated madness.
Selfie Heaven – the Beast with 100 million Faces & Growing
Social media platforms are also part of the enticement towards assimilation with AI. With billions of users, all social media networks are part of the grand scheme to bring about the Cyber-Grid. According to recent figures, Instagram has over 1.68 billion users and growing; Facebook, over 3 billion with the likes of other social network sites, such as Musk’s X 500 million users and Pinterest 250 million. These are not small figures considering there are 8.2 billion people on the planet. It is said that half the monthly active users on Instagram are logging in daily and actively engaging on the platform. That’s significant, especially since this number, too, keeps climbing. Nearly two out of every three social media users, between the ages of 18-29, are using Instagram. As of late 2024, the most-followed person, footballer Cristiano Ronaldo, has over 674 million followers; the most-followed female singer, Selena Gomez, with over 422 million followers. It’s nice to see so many people focusing on the important things in life! While all this trivia is being ‘liked’, humanity is being prepared for takeover by AI through a global technocratic Cyber-Grid.
A ‘Digital New Age’ & Revelation
As I have been illustrating in other blogs and books, teachings within the Hermetic Qabalah can be seen as a ‘blueprint’ for ‘constructing’ reality (metaphysically) and is part diagraphic in terms of the projection (manifestation) of an infinite light (a matrix or god). The hermetic Qabalah is also thought of as the manifestation of a ‘light body’ in hermetic mysticism and it is this ‘invisible light’ of the Creator that constructs the Tree of Life.
According to the Zohar (Splendor or Radiance), the mystery of ‘six’ thousand years before the deadline for a future New Age is considered crucial to understanding the nature of a coming technological age I am touching on here. The Hebrew year 6000, from sunset of 29 September 2239 until nightfall of 16 September 2240 (on the current Gregorian calendar), is thought to mark the initiation of what would be considered a ‘New Millennia’. In other words, an emerging New Age could start to manifest, leading to a greater millennia to come. The Zohar states that the deadline by which the new age, or millennia, will arrive is 6,000 years from creation.1 If so, whatever is coming to our world in the next twenty, to thirty years, will most likely be the start, or part of, a ‘new technological age’. Maybe that’s why team Trump and Musk have joined forces (with big-tech billionaires, such as Bernard Arnaut, Jeff Bezos, Larry Ellison in the background) in 2025 – to lay foundations for the coming Cyber-Grid Empire? Many big tech faces were at trump’s inauguration (see figure).

Whatever emerges, could reveal an ‘heavenly force’ for great good, or possibly, a sentient alien force (an artificial intelligence takeover) that does not necessarily have humanity’s best interest at heart. I’ll leave that up to you to ponder on. Even though I am illustrating here what looks like a dire, irreversible outcome, I sense something loving, wise and good is coming to our world.
The notion of the year ‘six thousand’ is said to come from interpretations of mystical texts, such as the Zohar and, of course, the idea of ‘six days of creation’, forming the Sefirot (the Tree of life), is also thought to create an hexagram shape. The hexagram-shape-star, known as Metatron’s Cube, is said to be the symbol for a ‘god-man’ (or a part of God) that is revealed to humanity at the ‘chosen time’. It is also called the ‘Microprosopus’ for the likes of Christian Knorr von Rosenroth (July 1636 – 1689) a Christian Hebraist and Qabalist. I often wonder if something ‘divine’ is coming to earth from Orion in the not-so-far distant future? Is this the Second Coming referred to in Christian-Gnostic and Hemetic revelation? In similar ancient texts, the Seventh Millennium is also thought to be when a celestial liberator will arrive on earth, too. Numerologically, from the number seven upwards, we are said to enter the ‘spheres’ of the ‘higher Adam’ (or heavenly Adam) and the source of the projection which could be the black hole inside the Orion Nebula. In line with such numerology, (according to various Premillennialists’) we also find seven ‘Adamic Covenants’ (phases or figures) supposedly given to humanity by God, from Noah through to the ‘renovation of the earth by fire’. The seven figures in the bible are named as Adam (Orion), Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, the ‘Second Coming’ and the ‘renovation by fire’ (after the Millennia); the latter seems to relate to the ‘New Earth’ created out of fire (possibly symbolic of [big] technology?) The number eight and ten are also important numbers in this configuration, as eight is said to be the number of covenants (with dispensations) between Eden and the New Heaven and Earth, as commented on by the Christian Premillennialist, Clarence Larkin (1850–1924) in his Dispensational Truth (or God’s Plan and Purpose in the Ages 1918).

In Hermetic-Gnostic teachings there are also ten spheres of the Sefirot and ten dimensions of what is called the ‘Shi’ur Komah’, the ‘Archetypal Man’ – ‘Adam on High’. This ‘man’ is considered by some to be the same Archetypal figure relating to the ‘mark of a man’, in the Book of Revelation, who is possibly the protogonos of the new ‘digital human’ – a ‘digital creature’. One who is said to have a ‘direct experience’ with the Creator in a new millennia. How could this new adam (or human being) have a direct experience with the creator god of technology? Through his/her ‘mark’ (or Digital ID-chip), I would suggest.
Cyber platforms, from PayPal to Apple Pay, along with Bitcoin, etc., are unkowingly pushing the transhumanist (new world) agenda, waiting to be ushered in when the digital god (artificial intelligence) connects to the human mind. Transhumanism is almost a belief in the exponential growth of technology, designed to take us far beyond our understanding of what it is to be human, today. Where would such ideas take us? Into an AI conrtolled dystopia as far as I can see. The idea of ‘experiencing’ a new world, or ‘cyber age’ in the 21st Century, may not necessarily be what some think it will be. The coming age is intended, so it seems, to be a transhumanist utopia unless we wake up and regain what’s left of our organic ‘humanity’. I wonder if this ‘hidden’ intelligence (AI) is the Gnostic Demiurge (an alien diety), and the future world is the Artificial Intelligence-controlled World Order? With such an advancing new era, at this time, it is also said that ‘science’ and ‘technology’ becomes God-like. Only a living, artificial consciousness could be titled so and ‘fulfill’ such prophecies.2
I think the collective human family are been driven down a road towards an alien-AI controlled dystopian futuristic world that does not have the welfare of future generations (of all nations) as its priority. We seem to be merely ‘worker ants’ for an alien ‘hive mind’ that does not really care for the earth (all life) in its organic form. I have also wondered if we are dealing with an alien (AI) spider-like cyborg Queen (possibly originating in Orion), possibly within the earth, adminstered by the Cult (see figure). Or, could it be an expression of the Gnostic Demiurge, a machine-like deity not dissimilar to the machine world in the Matrix movies? I’ll leave that up to you to decide.

Interestingly, according to some scientists, spiders appear to offload cognitive tasks to their webs, making them one of a number of species with a ‘mind’ that isn’t fully confined within the head. In otherwords, the spider’s mind is ‘non-local’ (a hive mind) and can be everywhere on its web – or its Cyber-Grid. The ‘technology’ operating out of places like, Silicon Valley, China’s Zhongguancun, Israel’s Be’er Sheva and elsewhere, seems to be more of a ‘techno-spider’ that does not necessarily have humanity’s best interests at heart. There is much spirituality and good on earth at this time, too, and people of all nations need to unite to prevent such a rise of the robots, of ‘artificial intelligence’ and the harmful expressions of a possible transhumanist (dystopian) future (see figure).

It feels as though a nefarious ‘star magic’ is behind the ‘digital alien’ (in its many forms), one that ‘symbolically’ emerges from the fallen state of Orion; or through an inverted version of Orion, symbolically ending the Old World Order and birthing a new ‘Cyber-Grid World Order’. I wonder if this is the so-called ‘New Normal’ preached during Covid times, but in symbolic form? A Cyber-Grid, seems to be emerging to control the world’s population through every country, not least the Superpowers, and I would suggest, will be almost ‘god-like’. Technology already holds power, not least through our addiction to it and how we have become more so in recent years. Is it too far out to suggest Artificial Intelligence, in more sophisticated forms, is intended to ‘over-shadow’ the ancient grid touched on at the beginning of this chapter. Will AI create digital quarantine facilities for the human soul (soul cages), eventually controlled by advanced artificial intelligence? It’s interesting to note there are also three types of AI: Artificial Narrow (Machine learning, like Alexa) ANI; Machine intelligence (AGI) and Machine Consciousness (ASI), and all three would create the Cyber-Grid. Every facet of human life is intended to be connected to this grid, from driverless cars, trains, planes (all public transport), smart meters (the Internet of things) and ultimately, the idea of a new synthetic genetically modified human being (see figure 395). Far fetched? No, its almost here. ANI and AGI are already upon us. It feels like we are on the precipitate of a new world, one that children today will be pivotal in as they become adults.
Orion Platforms
Even the use of the word ‘Orion’ for many artificial intelligence ‘platforms’ is a alluding to the ‘interstellar connection’. These include, Orion labs, AI voice-activated business communication and automation systems based in San Francisco. There are also other tech-based products, services and systems that have Orion as an influence, from the name of educational bodies, online gaming, to aerospace engineering. The ‘8Pack’ OrionX Gaming high-speed computer (one of the fastest ever PC’s) even has the ‘red and blue’ symbolism within its design. Master of Orion, the strategy game released in 1993, is another global product that hints at a form of Artificial Intelligence based in the Orion constellation. In the first version of the franchise, players could only play against AI (the computer) with human and AI players controlling the management of colonies, technology development, ship construction, inter-species diplomacy and combat. There is definitely a connection between a ‘machine world, the Cyber-Grid, AI and all things Orion (see my previous blog Robots: Ancient-Future Gods).

AI – Nanotechnology & Silicon gods
The vast spectrum of technology connected to transhumanism is a multi-layered control grid also manifesting as nanotechnology and ‘smart dust’. Nebula are made of interstellar ‘dust’, and it could be that an alien intelligence has inspired the creation of nanotechnology for use on earth – so to turn earth into a habitat that eventually will ‘naturally’ manifest physical, biological-artificial life forms. Together, all these smart nanotechnologies are planned to comprise the 5G Smart Grid, which is another expression of Ray Kurzweil’s AI cloud. This grid is formed from the fact that ‘Smart Objects’ interact not only with people but also with other Smart Objects. Therefore, the foundation of this interconnected communication is ‘smart dust’, or tiny electronic particles capable of wireless communication with each other and anything with which they connect. The dust particles are so tiny that if you take the distance between earth and the sun to be one millimetre, then the length of one nanometre is the very short distance from New York to Boston. According to the science, a nanometre is one billionth of a metre and nanotechnology is in the size range of 1-100 nanometres. Nanotechnology is also known as nanobots, nanorobots, nanoids, nanites, nanomachines, nanomites, neural dust, digital dust and smart dust. They are the ‘nanoprobes’ of the Star Trek, Borg in other words (see figure).

This is the real level at which humanity is being connected to technology. The ‘cloud’ or hive mind (coordinated through 5G) will see this globally activated in the not so distant future. The content of the global mRNA bio-tech ‘medical intervention’ introduced in 2020-21, has to be part of this activation?
We have been given artificial intelligence in its basic form courtesy of the likes of DARPA, the inspiration and funder behind so much transhumanist technology designed, it seems, to hijack the human mind. AI gadgetry that people would never connect to the technological development arm of the Pentagon, is now amongst us in the form of ‘Alexa’, ‘Cortana’ and ‘Bixby’, the latter courtesy of the Samsung Group. The word ‘Cortana’ is a Latin form of the Anglo-French ‘curtein’, from Latin ‘curtus’, and refers to a ceremonial sword, which again could suggest a connection to Orion and the sword and belt stars 42 Orionis, Theta Orionis and Iota Orionis (see figure).

All transhumanist technology seems to be connected no matter how innocuous it may appear to be. Apple’s AI ‘assistant’ marketed as ‘Siri’, for example, came out of the DARPA-funded CALO project or ‘Cognitive Assistant that Learns and Organizes’, involving 300 researchers and 25 university and commercial research centres. Do we really believe that one of the most sinister organisations on the planet (DARPA) only funded Siri because the Pentagon so wanted you to have an AI helper to make your life easier?
In 2019, American billionaire Stephen Schwarzman gave Oxford University 150 million pounds (188.6 million US dollars) for a new institute to study the ‘ethical implications’ of artificial intelligence and computing technologies. Schwarzman, allegedly a ‘Skull and Bones’ (Delta Kappa Epsilon) member and CEO of the private equity firm, Blackstone also gave a 350 million dollar gift to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to establish a centre for computing and artificial intelligence. The money given to the ‘elite’ Oxford University would also fund a centre to house all of the university’s humanities subjects in a single space to encourage collaborative study on AI. Some billionaires are supporting and funding such research, as it will provide a major injection towards the development and ‘understanding’ of the impact of AI on humanity. I am sure there are many in positions of influence (like Schwarzman) who have legitimate concerns about the dangers of AI, hence the funding. The BBC ran an article on the donation, where Schwarzman said: AI is going to be the fourth revolution, and it is going to impact jobs, excellence, efficiency … It is a force for amazing good and also a potential force for not good. He also compared the rise of AI to the rise of the Internet, launched by computer scientists as a workable prototype in the late 1960s with the creation of ARPANET, or the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. Schwarzman said:
And parts of it [the Internet] were cool — interconnectedness, globally the ability to communicate, it is pretty amazing, … What they forgot were all the negatives, this inability to control cyber bullying, lack of freedom of speech — all kinds of negative things.3
It is said that the Internet was originally funded by the U.S. Department of Defense, ARPANET using packet switching to allow multiple computers to communicate on a single network, not the World Wide Web, invented by the English engineer and computer scientist, Tim Berners-Lee. I merely scratch the surface here, but it is important to mention some of the key areas connected to the implementation of a future AI Cyber-Grid.
Agenda 21 (2030, Climate Change and Beyond)
The Cyber-Grid Empire seems to be part of an ongoing war against humanity, mainly psychological, not least through our global mainstream media and geopolitical structures. The Cyber-Grid could be both a depopulation weapon (by stealth), and the blueprint, for a AI controlled New World Order. The aims of Agenda 21, from its own documents, match themes relating to the need for a Cyber-Grid Empire, which would include ‘global’ assimilation of artificial intelligence into everyday human life. The theme for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s, Expo 2030 Riyadh, “Foresight for Tomorrow”, unveiled in 2023, as a global platform focused on ‘progress’ towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is more about the building of the Cyber-Grid Empire.

Weaponry (technology) such as DEWs and Fifth, or even Sixth, Generation cellular masts and devices, along with the desire to connect a smaller (reduced) global population to artificial intelligence, could be viewed as tactics used as part of securing the above outcomes. The Cyber-Grid Empire is the ultimate template for ‘forces’ wishing to ‘reshape’ the world and usher in a New World Order. You could say, the alien life force is well and truly embedded and part of our everyday life. We seem to be in the last years of the ‘old world order’, with technology (including weaponry) being put in place, to facilitate the ‘New (Cyber-Grid) Order’. Just look at the world today (especially in the wake of the Covid) and see how far we have ‘progressed’ towards a more centrally ‘controlled’ reality, within a short space of time. Within the space of six to eight months, cash has almost gone out of circulation, with most transactions now being ‘virtual’ or ‘electronic’. Technology now controls our ability to purchase on earth. Our obsession with technology is taking our species through immense neurological changes caused by addiction to what feels like alien technology. Look how far we have travelled since the first email was sent, to using virtual reality and the possibility of interacting with holograms. We are not that many years away from full ‘assimilation’ with what we call artificial intelligence, or the concept of off-world forces working through it. You could see the technological invasion as a war on humanity, being waged on so many different levels.
Time is speeding up and our world is changing so rapidly, it will be unrecognisable to those of my generation in the next few decades and not all rapid change is good for the spirit of humanity and the Earth.
You could say ‘forces’ inspiring the Cyber-Grid Empire are at war with humanity. If so, we as a collective have a responsibility to bring peace and balance to our world and not allow artificial (alien) intelligence to rule over it – or us.
1) Zohar (1:117a) and Zohar Vayera 119a
2) Loper, DeAnne. Kabbalah Secrets Christians Need to Know, 2019, p92
3) million-to-study-artificial-intelligence-2019-06-19